Fokker D-23 series 3In 1940 the Finnish government concluded a deal with the Dutch Fokker company to produce the Fokker D-23 in license. This was even before the first prototype had flown in Holland. The Finnish experiences with the D-21 fighter were however very positive and the Finns also wanted the new two-engined fighter. A set of drawings was delivered to Finland in April 1940. The planning was that the third Dutch prototype would be exported to Finland as a pattern aircraft for the Finnish production. However the the German invasion of Holland prevented this. The Finns used the Fokker drawings to produce two prototypes of the D-23. Like the Dutch prototype they were powered by Walter Sagitta engines. The aircraft was found to be severly underpowered however
The Dutch Fokker company has plans to power the D-23 with Daimler Benz or Rolls Royce engined. The Finns tried to acquire Rolls Royce Merling engines for the D-23 but were unsuccesful. In 1942 however they managed to buy 120 DB605 engines from Germany. In september 1942 the first DB605 powered D-23 series 2 was flown and it was found to be an excellent fighter.
Last updated: 21/12/2022