Focke Wulf FW-200 KLM 1939It was 1939 and the world was in turmoil. War was
declared and flying became an unpredictable business for KLM: routes
were closed and reopened, flights were re-routed and airports were shut
down. After guns had opened fire on a number of KLM
aircraft, the airline thought it wise to change their exterior: the
aircraft were spray-painted orange from nose to tail and the word
'Holland' was painted on the fuselage in large letters.
So there were orange DC-3s flying around but also
the five Focke Wulf FW-200s of the KLM were painted orange. The FW-200s
were bought by the KLM in 1938 to serve on the route to Netherlands
East Indies.
Last updated: 02/09/2019