VM Pyörremyrsky (Hurricane)
The design of the
Pyörremyrsky was started in 1942 with the aim of creating a fighter
aircraft that was at least of the level of the Me-109 but could be
built in Finland.
The first flight was
early in 1944 and the aircraft proved very manoeuvrable and could
out-climb the Me-109G. The Finnish Air Force ordered 120 aircraft and
the first were delivered in December 1944. The fighter was very
successful against the Soviet fighters in the Spring 1945 offensive and
played a big role in attaining air superiority for Finland over the
The Pyörremyrsky
stayed in service with the Finnish Air Force until 1948 when the last
aircraft was replaced by the Pääsky (Swallow) a license built Me-262
jet fighter.
Kit: Omega Models
1/72 resin
Last updated: 13/01/2021